90年中期hiphopに出会い音楽にのめり込む。更にその先を探求し続け、experimental, jazz, ambient, abstract, house, tech house, techno, etc 常に純粋な音が生み出すイマジネーションを掻き立てる空間を創造していくことを追求し続ける。
90年中期hiphopに出会い音楽にのめり込む。更にその先を探求し続け、experimental, jazz, ambient, abstract, house, tech house, techno, etc 常に純粋な音が生み出すイマジネーションを掻き立てる空間を創造していくことを追求し続ける。
DJ Kazuma started his musical journey from 90’s hiphop, ever since that time he spent most of his time as a seekers after musical enthusiasm, digging ravenously any kind of music, experimental, jazz, ambient, abstract, house, tech house, techno etc.
His first professional step into electronic music was abstract hiphop DJ, but just in a few years he became famous by his unique activities around Kyoto underground scene, seeking elements that stir peoples’s imagination, like environmental sounds of old temple, drab texture of factory architecture, and reconstitute an abstract sound scape from those elements.
After moving to Kyoto city 1998, and being inspired by lots of collaboration with world class artists, his style was slightly shifted, from experimental to more comfort something. Once he was a experimentalist of night club, but now is a reliable tour guide for trippy sound journey. Today he keeps his feet on the ground of Kyoto but he is always traveling his underground network throughout Japan. His quest for music still goes on.
yone-ko(CDV, Closer)
移住後はベルリンのクラブClub der VisionäreのレジデントDJとして自身のパーティ「Wordless」のオーガナイズ、ウクライナの首都キエフのクラブCloserでのレジデンシーなど、舞台を世界に移して各地でDJワークを繰り広げている。
移住後はベルリンのクラブClub der VisionäreのレジデントDJとして自身のパーテ
Yone-Ko, a sublime DJ who soaked up finest elements of Japanese techno scene. His exquisite skills and unique sense of musical selections from old and new are something exceptional. Around 2000 he hooked up with So Inagawa, Sackrai and Keisuke Kondo to participate their Cabaret party in Nagoya that made him exploring deeper and minimalistic aspects of house/techno music. After he moved to Tokyo in 2002 he continued to organize and play at Cabaret party with DJ Masda introducing new sounds of international DJs to Japan and played around many spots there for plenty of underground parties to dig further into alternative house and techno groove.In 2011 he changed his residence to Berlin and plays around Europe, Asia, and Australia.He also runs his own party ‘Wordless’ as his base at Club der Visionäre in Germany’s capital. He also shows his true-value long sets on a regular basis at Kiev’s landmark club Closer.